Posts Tagged ‘Books’

Young King

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Mr. D. Goes to Albany

Friday, May 1st, 2020

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“The interesting thing about politics is that the longer you are in it, the more people you get to meet, and the more people you have a chance to make impressions on, good or bad.” . . . We will admit the first time we encountered Sen. John DeFrancisco we underestimated him. That meeting was on the court and we quickly found out the senator had a game like John Stockton (deceptively quick, great hands and that old man strength). We later discovered he was a former college baseball infielder and great patron of the local arts scene. It was cool to finally read his memoir and find out he was also tough in the legislative arena as well. His journey is a great road map for anyone interested in running for office. DeFrancisco was quite candid in the text about subjects such as Destiny USA, being a red man in a blue state, the budget process, and various state scandals. “Never Say Never” should be included in every syllabus for Syracuse City School government classes. We hope when the Senator is in town again we can interview him to find out why he never ran for mayor, and where he stores that suit he got back in the day from Bergans. . . . #goodpickandrollguy #dukealum #sualumni #powergame #patronofthearts #redmanworearedsuitonce #canplayameanhorn #webothstillgotgame #neversayneveragain #ablueprint #mrdgoestoalbany

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Who, What, Wear

Saturday, October 7th, 2017

Go On Girl Book Club