Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

Street gaze (part 29): Sign of Compassion

Thursday, July 24th, 2014
Outside the Pastime Athletic Club where Mayor Miner was answering questions about her plans to invite migrant children to Syracuse.

Outside the Pastime Athletic Club where Mayor Miner was answering questions about her plans to temporarily house migrant children on  Syracuse’s North side.


Saturday, July 19th, 2014


What if Mayor Miner reached out to President Obama and expressed interest in housing unaccompanied immigrant children awaiting deportation in our city. What do you think people would  say? How would they react?

Here is a visual interpretation of the debate that occurred on the corner of Court Street and Grant Avenue on Friday afternoon.

We anticipate a lively discussion of this issue when George Kilpatrick hosts the drive time slot on 570 WSYR next week.









Future President

Thursday, April 24th, 2014
Omer Keles gives a speech at City Hall for the celebration of Turkish heritage on Wednesday.

Omer Keles gave a speech at City Hall for the celebration of Turkish heritage on Wednesday. The event was organized by Syracuse’s Turkish Cultural Center, which is located on Tracy Street.

City State

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014
“…professional competence is not enough to be a good leader; good leaders must truly care about those entrusted to their care.”
Lt. Gen. George Flynn (forward to Simon Sinek’s Leaders Eat Last)
Mayor Miner

Mayor Miner

Regardless of your party affiliation or personal opinion, you have to admit Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner shows conviction.

She will give the State of the City address tonight.

Throwback Thursday: Influence

Thursday, October 24th, 2013
Joanie Mahoney, politician

Joanie Mahoney, politician

We read a story this week that County Executive Joanie Mahoney is being talked about as a candidate for Lt. Governor for New York.  She is pictured her from almost 10 years ago during a candidate forum held at the Galleries on South Salina Street.

Anniversary Medal

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013
Syracuse Synergy Students Mebrehat Haille and Keshavi Baskota stand in the Capitol Rotunda last month near a bronze statue of Rosa Parks.

Syracuse Synergy students Mebrehat Haille and Keshavi Baskota stand in the Capitol Rotunda last month near a bronze statue of Rosa Parks.

Primary Colors

Monday, September 9th, 2013
Firehouse advocates and supporters of Pat Hogan rally to get out the vote on East Fayette Street on Monday.

Firehouse advocates and supporters of Pat Hogan rally to get out the vote (in front of the recently closed Fire Station #7) on Monday evening. The Democratic primary is tomorrow.

Camp Barack

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013
Front of the line

Tickets to see the POTUS

Here are some photographs of the line to receive tickets for the speech at Henninger by President Barack Obama.

Some of the supporters camped out

The line for tickets began at the Sunnycrest Ice Rink and meandered past the baseball field, tennis courts and wrapped around near Robinson Street.

Camp Obama

Camp Obama. Some supporters came to Henninger soon after the announcement  was made last night that tickets would be available for the public appearance by the President.

Ella Williams and Mary McClain, both came to Syracuse from Florida in 1960. They said they loved Syracuse and of course they were among President Obama's biggest fans. They said they arrived this morning to stand in line at about 8:30 am.

Ella Williams and Mary McClain, both came to Syracuse from Florida in 1960. They said they loved Syracuse and of course they were among President Obama’s biggest fans. They said they arrived this morning to stand in line at about 8:30 am. They are pictured was near the Sunnycrest Tennis Courts.

Politician on a Mission

Saturday, July 20th, 2013
Helen Hudson, Syracuse Common Councilor, stands with mother's who lost children to gun violence during today's Justice for Trayvon: 100 City Vigil.

Syracuse Common Councilor Helen Hudson speaks for mothers who lost children to gun violence during today’s Justice for Trayvon: 100 City Vigil, which was held downtown.

Maybe the most compelling speech today at the Syracuse Justice for Trayvon Vigil (in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman) was Helen Hudson. She was able to effectively spin the Trayvon Martin shooting into a plea to reduce juvenile gun violence here in Syracuse.

Listen to a portion of her speech below.

Don’t Call it a Comeback

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013
Former NY Governor and Attorney General Elliot Spitzer (speaking at Syracuse University in 2010)

Former NY Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer (speaking at Syracuse University in 2010). He is looking to get elected once again, this time in New York City.