Posts Tagged ‘Poetry’

Fresh is the Word

Thursday, July 26th, 2012
Syracuse's Slam Poets perform at Art Rage Gallery

Syracuse’s Slam Poets perform at Art Rage Gallery

The Salt City Slam,  organized by Seneca Wilson, brought a poetry competition to the Art Rage Gallery tonight. The rules were simple, you have three minutes to say your piece. Go over and points are deducted by judges in the audience. The photos (above) are from the first round of the event.

When a Poet’s Fed Up

Saturday, April 7th, 2012
Rae Sunshine, gave us a conversation between Mr. Do Nothing and Ms. Say Something on Friday.

Rae Sunshine, gave us a conversation between Mr. Do Nothing and Ms. Say Something on Friday.

During an intermission at a comedy show last night at Jazz Central, Rae Sunshine performed one her poems , which was an imaginary conversation between Mr. Do Nothing and Ms.  Say Something.

Her group Underground Poetry Spot will be performing a full show later this month at Art Rage Gallery.

All in the family

Saturday, October 17th, 2009

Jackie Warren-Moore (left) and her daughter Andrea Moore perform together at Metro Lounge

Jackie Warren-Moore (left) and her daughter Andrea Moore perform together at Metro Lounge