Herb Smith, owner
White Rose Books, 501 Hawley Avenue, Syracuse**
Syracuse in focus: What are you reading now
There's a stack by my bed I'm working through right now, several of which cover the subject of botany.
Sif: What does your collection include
Large general-interest collection of 30,000 titles with emphasis upon New York State, history and poetry.
What's your most unusual title
A first edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, published 1946. This title, known as the big book, focuses on recovery and is one of the more expensive titles in my collection.
What are the qualities that make a good bookseller
Someone who not only reads a lot of books, but someone who reads a lot about books.
Is Syracuse a good town for books
This is a great town for buying old books, but not selling them. Syracuse has not traditionally been a good town for books, but it's getting better. When I first came to town here in the 60s, there was only one good used bookshop. Now there are half a dozen or so.
The north side is a great place for old books because it's an old community. There are many great old books in the attics of this community.
What makes a small, used bookstore special
At their best, small bookstores serve the needs of the community. They sell and provide books a community wants or needs.
"Book lovers shop anywhere there are books."
Are chain stores going to put small bookstores out of business
No. There's always going to be a place for small bookstores. Used bookstores actually compliment new booksellers very well. What will drive small neighborhood out is the cost of doing business. Things such as high utilities and the cost to rent space. The city should provide incentives that could make the cost of doing business more reasonable, since small stores aren't always able to raise their prices.
Are your customers any different than those who patronize superstores
No. Book lovers shop anywhere there are books and this includes chain superstores, small, used bookstores as well as antique stores and thrift shops.
Do you compete with other small, used bookstores
Not really. Because smaller neighborhood stores specialize, they often have different stock. I often refer customers to other shops in the city if I know what they are looking for can be found elsewhere. I recently sent someone to My Sisters' Words (a feminist store) because my feminist section is not very extensive.
What does the future hold for your business
I've been talking with other small businesses and antique stores about forming a consortium, whereby owners could share expenses and offer more selection and expanded hours.
Will the used, small neighborhood bookstore survive
Sure. Used bookstores have survived in the past because they have been interesting places to shop, much like antique shops.
This conversation took place at White Rose Books in February.
**Herb Smith has since opened a bookstore in Western New York. White Rose Books is under new ownership.