Juan Cruz, artist:

Master of the Mixed Media

(A conversation with pictures)

The following is a dialogue I had with Syracuse-based painter, sculptor and artist Juan Cruz, hailed by critics as the Puerto Rican Picasso.  His work, which includes ceramics, paint, iron, wood and recycled materials, explores issues of political repression as well as spiritual and religious themes that connect the dots of the Afro-Latino Diaspora.  We met a few days before he was to give his farewell to Syracuse show (a retrospective) at his gallery on Townsend Street. He was in the middle of organizing the show and took a break to talk with us about his work and his life.  These are his words.


   People have always been my inspiration; people and things that are going on around me. I started experimenting with pen and ink, colored pencils, then watercolors and oil paints, acrylics and eventually ceramics and welding. I thought an artist had to know all these things. I learned everything. When I was a kid, I used to draw everything. I didn’t know what an artist was, I just drew. I didn’t know I needed a title.

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