Juan Cruz, artist:

Master of the Mixed Media

(A conversation with pictures)

            I also teach art and I tell my students I teach basics so they can create their own compositions. I would love to continue doing that. I love teaching kids to give them something to keep them from becoming just bored…I see a lot of people who just get bored. Like me I’m never bored. My mind is always working. A lot of people don’t understand or appreciate it. I want to keep exploring. I don’t feel like I’ve gotten to where I’m supposed to be…wherever that is. I’m still on my journey and there’s no roadmap.

 I see myself relaxing, or trying to relax. I also want to return to that canvas I used to feel guilty about, because I understand more now. Now I know where it’s coming from. Before I didn’t know, I was scared. I want to go back there.

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